Topic: group dynamics
The term ‘accountability’ is frequently used in the context of teams and organizations, but it is often deployed in ways that are vague, contradictory or counterproductive.
A short ‘cheat sheet’ for a couple of frameworks I find helpful for facilitating difficult discussions and keeping participants ‘in dialogue’. It summarises Kantor’s ‘Four Player’ model and Bohm’s ‘On Dialogue’. You can download the PDF here.
I created a ‘cheat sheet’ for Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help by Edgar Schein. You can download the PDF here.
A couple of decks to support discussions around Kantor’s ‘Four Player’ model, and Lencioni’s ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team’. These conceptual models can be helpful tools when coaching self-organising teams, to facilitate healthy conflict and robust decision making.